Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Kristen Allis Urffer

Over many years I have worked with people in a very up close manner through teaching dance classes, yoga and meditation work. The healing work that I do has gone through many transformations dealing even deeper into people’s personal past experiences and personal issues. In many ways my choice of work is extremely selfish as I have found a way to do all that I love and need to do for my own wellness and to do it in my bare feet as well. To be involved with my students and give them the attention that they all need is to be open to their energy. So it is important to be as clear of my own worries as possible when I see them. This allows me to see more than just the obvious details that the naked eye will see. So many beings have passed in front of me over all of this time that I have become more perceptive of them, my compassion has heightened. This awareness has evolved into the love that keeps me strong for them, the mirror they need to transform and confidence needed to be their personal advocate. I am merely one soul, nothing more. It is the love and compassion within me that is strong. It has developed out of the need to survive and rise above loss and reclaim my ability to walk and talk in this body for as long as possible. Each one of us has something we must deal with and love makes all the difference.

When a person who is very ill comes in having been sent to me to bring yoga into their lives I feel a great responsibility to draw them into their own practice and not destroy their interest and hope. Often I hear stories of why people started to practice and stopped. These stories usually consist of how their instructor made them feel. Which of course has plenty to do with their own perceptions yet if they pick up on negative vibrations from the person they have come to confide in they are stunted in their practice. This upsets me because I know that it is just too easy to give up on something you need to do once confidence is lost. The intentions of the instructors who may have been too harsh in their choice of words or actions may not have been to scare someone off at all. The extenuating variables in all of our days are so wide that it is amazing that we ever find common ground to walk upon together. Therefore I feel that it is such a shame that people give up on what may help them just because they do not feel an instant connection. Not all of my instructors have been open and loving because that is life. Having to stick it out until learning from someone what they really have to offer is worth the wait. I have learned not to give up because I must not. I cannot. I have responsibilities that are more important than me. I have my daughter and my clients. How could I let them see me lose my confidence in them? We all have something that demands us to stay afloat. This is the way of Love. Those who are in deep physical turmoil often don’t come for my kind of help until their doctors say it is a terminal situation and offer only the possibility that yoga may help turn it all around. I see them. They have darkness around them in the affected areas through my vision. Instantly I see more than they wish me to see and begin to contemplate what I could do to ease their soul. It is always a painful reminder of my own desperation to survive.

One of my most recent situations with a client has brought me to my knees several times in prayer. The client is in stage 4 cancer. This is how I met her, at what most refer to as the end. She is an absolutely gorgeous woman who keeps a fine, healing soul within her. When she came to me I saw it, I saw that she is going through something with some form of cancer even though the naked eye would never detect that she has anything wrong with her at all. It was her eyes and openness to me that revealed her truth. We just hugged as I told her that I still see many years in front of her. She has been attending as many of my classes as possible and following every holistic measure she can to get well. Her body is in impeccable form. Many of the people who have come in a similar manner I have sent to talk with one man, Arnold Kauffman. He owns a little health food store and connecting restaurant in Lansdale Pennsylvania called “Arnold’s Way”. The reason I send them is because he has some very strong feelings and ideas about how to live and survive. As I have always found food to be just as powerful as a drug to heal and prefer healing with food over drugs I trust him to actually help guide those who seek his help. I must mention here that all of those whom I have sent to him over the years are still walking with their earthly feet. So I set up a time to take my client who transformed into my friend to go and consult with Arnold. It was time for the best possible inspiration and support I could offer her and I wanted to witness it myself, to be there for her advocacy.

I cannot express enough how charismatic and engaging she is, everyone is attracted to speak with her as if they know her heart is a safe place to be. When we walked in Arnold recognized her right away from her years of performing as a singer. This was perfect, as the love fest commenced we began to get to the center of our purpose. Arnold began to speak of what we know cancer needs to thrive and what kills cancer by cutting off that flow. Things like meat, grains and dairy help keep cancer alive and in his eyes help to create it where it may not have come before. The consumption of 13-20 pieces of fruit a day help keeps cancer and all other illnesses away. His advice was given with what page to look every question up in the books behind me so it was a study session for both of us. He is so full of useful information that is a lot to compute when we has been taught through society things about food consumption that are totally the opposite of what he is saying. The most important aspect of food consumption he said was love. Eat only what has grown from a tree or bush he claims as they are filled with love and it will carry on into you so your belly will be filled only with love. That Love is the key to health and healing. I had to agree knowing that it is the realizations of the love in my life that have reached me when my heart has stopped and my body was gone from me. Yes, love pulls us to stay alive whether it is romantic love, love for a child or a pet. Love is an ingredient in our lives and in our food that must be honored and not ignored. One of the most interesting things that he left us with is so simple that we laughed yet I myself have been attempting to follow. That is the rebounder. You know the little mini trampoline that stands on its side unused in your basement. Yes, this is a great tool for your wellness and I still haven’t gotten on it without laughing which increases the white blood cells. When you jump up and down on it for a few minutes every day you are forcing the cells in your body to reproduce and therefore demanding the cancer to be expelled. To put cancer out of your body in a noninvasive way through what you eat and jumping on a rebounder sounds really good to me and to the beautiful soul who I brought to Arnold.

We both left there having bought a copy of Arnold’s book “The Way of Arnold, Experiencing Your Full Potential While Turning Back The Clock With Every Loving Raw Moment”. Please read if you know you need to address health issues and keep your mind open to the amazing love you possess that can bring you back to your life and health. It is your LOVE that I believe in. Live it, eat it and be strong in your love…For it exists within you already and it is so becoming on you.. May you see it.


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